Anniversary Bouquets.
Happy Anniversary Flowers - Delivered in Winchester
Bouquets suitable for your Anniversary. A Wedding Anniversary is usually celebrated one year from the date a marriage took place. Traditional names exist for all of them: for instance, 50 years is your "golden wedding anniversary". Twenty-five years is the "silver wedding anniversary" . Sixty years is very special a "diamond wedding anniversary". First years wedding anniversary is called a "Paper Anniversary".
Historicly wedding anniversaries date back to the Roman Empire, when husbands crowned their wives with a silver wreaths on their twenty-fifth anniversary, and a gold wreath on the fiftieth. Much later during the twentieth century, retailer commercialism led to the addition of more anniversaries being represented by a named gift.
You can receive a message from the Queen for 60th, 65th, and 70th wedding anniversaries, and any wedding anniversary after that. This is done by applying to Buckingham Palace.
ABBEY - Bouquet